Friday, April 23, 2010

H1N1 - Ways to prevent it

when u are unwell with influenza-like illness (ILI), practice the following:

1-Be socially responsible
    stay at home and rest. Drink plenty of clear fluids like water and clear soups to prevent dehydration.

2 -Minimize physical contact with others including household members.

3 -Keep yourself in a room separate from the common areas from the house, use a separate toilet and avoid having meals with others.

4 -Wear a mask even at home to avoid transmission to household members. dispose your used mask in a plastic bag, tie it up and throw it into covered rubbish bin. wash your hands thoroughly after disposal of the used mask.

5 -If you need to go out, wear a surgical mask.              

6 -In addition:
- avoid close contact with other people.
    - avoid taking public transport.
    - avoid attending larger meetings of visiting crowded places.
    - refrain from air travel if possible.


Special care should be taken to avoid the following groups of persons who are at hight risk of developing influenza - relate complications:

- children < 5 years
    - pregnant women
    - have underlying medical condition such as asthma, chronic lung disease.
    - on dialysis
    - on immunosuppressants
    - under going cancer treatment
    - on long-term aspirin therapy
    - persons age 65 years and older.


Observe Good Personal Hygiene

- cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing. dispose the used tissue paper in the rubbish bin properly.

- wash your hands every time you touch your nose, mouth or eyes.

- maintain good indoor ventilation.

- wash/wipe surfaces soiled with sputum, phlegm, nose discharge or vomit with 1:50 diluted household bleach immediately ( i.e. adding 1 part of bleach to 50 parts of water ). metallic surfaces can be cleaned with 70% alcohol.

- if you need come into close contact to anyone, both you and the uninfected person should wear surgical masks and maintain a distance of at least two metres from each other.

- if you have been given medical leave
, do not return to work or school  before the end of the leave period.


Emergency Warning Signs In Adults

- breathlessness or chest pain
- purple or blue discolouration of the lips
- severe and persistent vomiting
- sign of dehydration such as dizziness when standing and absence of urination
- seizures (fits)
- being less responsive than normal, drowsy or confused

Emergency Warning Signs In Children

- lack of tears when crying                                                  
- poor feeding

** information from ministry of health Singapore

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